Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Technology plays a vital role and It has an enormous effect on all of the aspects of our daily life. Learning process is one of these aspects.
First: our students are so enthusiastic about  using  the latest in technology, whether   cell phones, computers, ….etc, so using their favorite devices in the learning process motivates them to be engaged, Also  Technology helps the teacher to attract the attention of his students. For example I can use some websites which include some learning games. Beside that technology represents a vast source of information through internet, there are some specific web-based applications that can be used as a teaching resource which are not limited to one classroom or one lesson, but could span time and distance, Moreover technology is a very effective tool for communication between teacher - students or students - student  and I tried this as a student through using Edmodo or Blogger as it enables me to communicate in a friendly way that span time and distance and I will try to  use Edmodo to communicate with my students as a trial.

However all of the advantages of using technology in learning process I totally agree with that is faced by some challenges such as: Funding as technology costs money, also teacher should be alert to skills levels of students. Moreover , technology must be relevant and interactive to the syllabus work and we should use it smartly not hard. Adding to all we should understand the value of human interaction as learning through social interaction is important. Feedback from the teacher is vital, and working in groups is fundamental so we shouldn't replace it by virtual discussion but we should use technology as an effective tool for helping those who couldn't talk in class to join the discussion  


  1. I totally agree with you Noha that technology has become part of our lives and using it is a must. Funding is a major issue which needs to be solved by government or policymakers. a budget should be placed for the better use of our good cause.

  2. I totally agree with you Noha that technology has become part of our lives and using it is a must. Funding is a major issue which needs to be solved by government or policymakers. a budget should be placed for the better use of our good cause.

  3. I agree witt you that we shouldn't replace the discussions by virtual discussions as every thing in our life turned to be virtual. Human interaction is very important as it enhances the communication skills and delivers the peraon's point of view in a more accurate way. But as you say some students would feel more comfortable to do it virtual and that would help them participate and feel more confident.
