Shaimaa Abdelfattah


  1. It has been an undeniable fact that teachers are on the quest of findingthe latest technological gadgets and tools to use in the classroom to expose students to different media or experiences other that what is traditionally known by all old school teaching- the process of copying from a board to a copybook and then replicating what was copied again in the exam paper.
    However, what the articles and the discussions we had highlighted on was the fact that such reliance on adding more tools; introducing the latest technological advances and replicating what programmes other teachers are using is simply not the correct target.
    Technology is meant to be used as tool or a means rather than an end in itself. Its main purpose is to facilitate reaching and retaining information in a better manner than just using it to brag or just say we are using the latest technology.

    I also liked the fact that we, as students, were given the chance to explore different platforms for blogging and try to find the most convenient to our needs or objectives. Many of us haveused different platforms, but not many are optimally using them for effect. The purpose might be one at first: use technology in the classroom. Nevertheless, the way I am to think now is, I want my students to use this tool to show how far they grasped x concept and I would choose the tool that would guarantee fairness and equal opportunities for students to reach that objective.

    I know it sounds more complicated now, but it seems it is worth the effort at first and then I will have established a couple of tools that I use for different assignments, each for a certain purpose. This will not only accentuates my teaching effectiveness, but I am sure will be more relatable to students as they would feel they had objectives were met as well.

    Another point that stuck with me, which I actually do to a great extent, is to know more about my students way of using technology. My students all have portfolios and one of its sections was about their personal growth. I analyse students learning styles, backgrounds, interests, goals and plans to achieve them. I also encourage students to reflect on their curricular and extracurricular work. It does help a lot to know your students or audience. We are all after all actors, but our purpose is not to entertain but to educate for life.

  2. Thanks Shaimaa for your reflection. I'm happy that you grasped the message inherent in our first two sessions. I'm also very happy to learn you have already implemented use of portfolios with your students. I'm assuming they were e-portfolios, right? What platform did you choose for that?
    Your word count is 413. Please try to stay within the mandated min-max word count. As much as I enjoyed reading yours, it is logistically incorrect for me to allow everyone to go beyond the max word count.

  3. We actually stsrted with binder portfolios. I am aware of a lovely platform Some colleagues experimented with- SeeSaw, it seems great and it have the facebook feel too. Will try introducing it after exams.

  4. I agree with you Shaimaa about technology is the way to engage our children not only in teaching but to be involved with them in using it that will make teacher to be always around and very closed to them.

  5. The Learning styles theory and that of the multiple intelligences have been introduced a very long time ago, almost ten years.
    The two theories have been updated and amended several times already that they are now so different from how they started. This in itself is an indication of the importance to visit and revisit all theories and look at them with a critical and reflective eye. I could feel it pointless to debate a given fact. Theories are theories. They are meant to be questioned and revised. They are not general truths; they have not been prescribed to us. We, therefore, as educators need to be aware of what works best for the best of the students.

    I still think that we can vary our teaching strategies to appeal to all learners and provide a sort of an inclusive environment for learning. Teachers should think of what theories they could follow when devising their instruction. By doing this, their impact on students' learning becomes substantial. They also need to constantly reflect on their work and modify it according to more recent theories as well.
    Taking all this into account, teachers ought to be driven by a driving force to constantly search for more strategies that would work well with each group they teach.

  6. i agree Shaimaa that theories should be revisited and revised. And educators should think of which theories are best to follow. Constantly researching the best strategies to adopt is a must. it is not good enough to adopt the same along the way because it has become our comfort zone.

  7. After exploring many of the technological tools that assist with the different learning strategies, one can not but say that the number of tools is endless and the supply is more that we can keep up with. I believe that it should be each teacher's responsibility to find out which of the tools serve their needs and target those needs using the right tool.
    It is also important to bear in mind the technical problems or delays that we face while using or asking the students to use those tools. I have asked my students to each prepare a PSA ( a public statement announcement) for a teen issue using one of the video making tools of their choice. The results were beautiful and the students enjoyed the challenge, yet while playing many of the videos, it took a lot of time to make sure the software available could play them and display them all.
    This, despite the fact that students enjoyed it, made me feel that much time was wasted and it needed better arrangement. - maybe some rules as to suggest possible problems and the necessity to address them before they display them in class.
