Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Presentation reflection

Using technology in teaching process plays a vital role. I really enjoyed my experience in exploring new tools such as Zaption , Screencast-o-matic and online  real time board Actually they were so useful for me as a teacher, Also seeing  my colleagues presenting their choices from these application is so important but I have some concerns, for my experience about applying such new tools was great but difficult little bit, I believe that I can use it better if these tools  were discussed in the session as I am sure that there is a lot about them I couldn't discover. Also I think that if my presentation was followed by some comments from the instructor or my colleagues, it were more helpful and useful.  For watching my colleagues ' presentations : I couldn't concentrate about all of these tools , also there were repeated tools .So I think it is better if these presentations were distributed among some weeks. And there was enough time for discussion.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Some people may find that they have a dominant style of learning, with far less use of the other styles well. Differentiating our lesson plan to suit different learning styles is vital as it allow to each students to learn according to his own abilities, also I do believe in the importance of using technology in the learning process. This article talked about classifying technology to suit different learning styles, It represents some applications and web sites for each style but actually I found that most of them are not working, I started by identifying  some of technological applications that Iam using  in my class such as smart board, https://www.mathaids.com , …. I classified them according to the learning style then I tried to find new applications such as : https://www.meta-chart.com/pie#, this application is very useful for mathematical logical style as it help them in constructing different types of statistical charts( Pie charts, Bar graph ,Venn diagrams , …..etc) that summarize and connect the main percentages or numbers included in the lesson, and http://quizhub.com/quiz/quizhub.cfm students can use this free websites that provide online quizzes with different levels which graduated according to their answers to examine their skills. In conclusion  using technology in the learning process and classified it according to the learning style helps our students to be more involved and engaged in the learning process 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Technology as it should.
Educators should be familiar with technology, how to use it, how to develop it, and how to implement it according to students’ need so it would be the right tool to enhance learning. Although expensive, technology, which needed to be thoroughly discovered, helps students to better achieve their goal of learning. As educators, we should implement tools through revolutionary methods for better teaching. Technology is a tool of learning and it is not the learning itself. The responsibility of learning takes place when the four of them: students, educators, administrators and policy makers are committed. Hence, Technology should be taught to all four parties for better education. Firstly, students must be active while using technology by searching, analyzing, charting results and recording of achievement. Secondly, educators should understand and promote the diversity of results, outcomes and answer. Also, teachers should plan to integrate technology, share experiences, design and develop program according to the curriculum needs. Thirdly, administrators should understand that a classroom is like a hive with buzzing bees inside and that it is very important to understand that todays’ education is about involvement and interaction rather than lecturing. Therefore, a teacher should encourage team-work rather than individual effort which may result of a busy, messy bee classroom; only then we know that real education is taking place. Lastly, policymakers through government should insure the availability of technology in each classroom when supplying the proper budget.

Just as the Multiple Intelligence theory identified different types of learners according to students’ abilities; Net Gen Learners learn by interacting to internet in many different techniques.
Firstly; learning by doing; Net Gent. Learn by being dynamic, motivated, innovative, and creative while pursuing their interest study, ho and hobbies.
Using a variety of programs such as: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, digital videos , new software , all sorts of up to dated programs; they read the manual, follow instructions, trial and error, which I personally do and admit that learning is far more better by doing!
Secondly; Net Gent learn better by human interaction; not isolation; they work in groups, teams to grasp information as they share it together through guided interaction and fruitful feedback from professor.
Thirdly; the cut and paste culture which eventually leads to plagiarism. Personally, I believe it is not about acquiring information anymore rather than actually using it because it is not difficult to get and search for information as it exists tremendously on the internet.
To fulfill l the maximum learning potential challenges of funding; learning the skill of how to access internet are to be faced and dealt with in the future.

Finally, technology needs to be taught to students’ as it needs to be relevant to the subject being taught.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Technology plays a vital role and It has an enormous effect on all of the aspects of our daily life. Learning process is one of these aspects.
First: our students are so enthusiastic about  using  the latest in technology, whether   cell phones, computers, ….etc, so using their favorite devices in the learning process motivates them to be engaged, Also  Technology helps the teacher to attract the attention of his students. For example I can use some websites which include some learning games. Beside that technology represents a vast source of information through internet, there are some specific web-based applications that can be used as a teaching resource which are not limited to one classroom or one lesson, but could span time and distance, Moreover technology is a very effective tool for communication between teacher - students or students - student  and I tried this as a student through using Edmodo or Blogger as it enables me to communicate in a friendly way that span time and distance and I will try to  use Edmodo to communicate with my students as a trial.

However all of the advantages of using technology in learning process I totally agree with that is faced by some challenges such as: Funding as technology costs money, also teacher should be alert to skills levels of students. Moreover , technology must be relevant and interactive to the syllabus work and we should use it smartly not hard. Adding to all we should understand the value of human interaction as learning through social interaction is important. Feedback from the teacher is vital, and working in groups is fundamental so we shouldn't replace it by virtual discussion but we should use technology as an effective tool for helping those who couldn't talk in class to join the discussion  

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Welcome message

Hello Students,

These are links to your individual pages on our EDL550 blog for Spring 2016. Let's start the journey towards becoming the best educators we can be.

What you need to do is:

Click on your name above to open your own page. There you click on the "pen icon" to edit, and you start writing.
Every week you need to write 200-300 words reflecting on that week's class mainly, but within the context of the whole course. 

Each Blog post MUST be posted before the start of the following class.  

Each student must comment on AT LEAST ONE of the other posts every week.